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Text File | 1997-02-12 | 106.0 KB | 2,872 lines |
- Linux Chinese HOWTO English Version
- Chih-Wei Huang cwhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw
- Cd Chen cdchen@linux.ntcic.edu.tw
- v1.01, 10 February 1998
- This HOWTO document demonstrates the method of implementing Chinese
- available on Linux System, including those common problems encountered
- on Linux/UNIX System while using Chinese, the ways to obtain, install
- and setup a variety of different Chinese softwares and the work for
- making a full Chinese environment of Linux System.
- 1. Foreword
- 1.1. Introduction
- This is a document, as a part of ``Chinese Linux Documentation
- Projects'', of introducing the progress in fulfilling Chinese on Linux
- System. The special point is that this HOWTO document, in turn, will
- be the first one but also the only one written in Chinese first and
- then translating into English later.^_^
- I have been made my best effort to ensure the exactness of this
- document, though; however, I couldn't give a guarantee for myself that
- all the operations and configurations can execute exactly and smoothly
- on your system. If any problems or losses have happened to your own
- system because of the executable examples issued in this document,
- which you have been followed, the authors, us, won't be in any charge
- of any responsibility.
- The basic purpose carried with this document is to enormously reduce
- the questions repeated again and again, just like "Why can't I
- input/see Chinese?", "Why can't I set xxx up?" and so forth, occurred
- on Internet. In fact, it is impossible as I knew it...
- 1.2. Awareness
- The shell program used in this document will be sh/bash. If other
- system, such as csh/tcsh, is your choice, you need to pay attention to
- the differences amongst them. On the configuration of environment
- variables, for instance, usage for sh/bash will be,
- # export TERM=vt100
- whereas for csh/tcsh ,
- # setenv TERM vt100
- 1.3. Newest Version
- Simultaneously, I provide the following various formats of different
- versions due to the mechanism of SGML document formats.
- ╖ Plain Text
- ╖ HTML
- ╖ PostScript
- ╖ SGML
- You can download these formats from the ftp
- siteftp://ftp.phys.ntu.edu.tw/pub/CLDP/howto-translations/.
- Also, you may read directly the newest version of this document on
- line.
- ╖ <http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/~cwhuang/pub/os/linux/CLDP/Chinese-
- HOWTO.html>
- ╖ HomePage for Chinese Linux Documentation Projects
- <http://www.linux.org.tw/CLDP/Chinese-HOWTO.html>
- English version could obtain from:
- ╖ <http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Chinese-HOWTO.html>
- ╖ <http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/~cwhuang/documents/linux-howto/Chinese-
- HOWTO.html>
- 1.4. Copyright and Announcement
- The copyright of this Chinese HOWTO document belongs to Chih-Wei Huang
- <cwhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw>. You can make any copies, distributions and
- spreading of all or parts of this document and are encouraged very
- much to fulfill that statement real so that more and more netters
- could get some helps from this Chinese HOWTO under the use of non-
- business. (Please DO NOT to remove my name out of it) For the use of
- business, contact the authors first. The trademarks or packages
- mentioned in this document belong to the companies or the personal,
- respectively.
- 1.5. Goal
- I wish this document can offer a complete and self-sufficient
- explanation in the aspect of using Chinese on Linux System. What
- matters concerned with implementations of Chinese on Linux will put it
- all together! However, limited to the intelligence and ability
- privately, the ultimate goal of my willingness is almost a "mission
- impossible"; therefore, if there are losses or drawbacks in it, please
- tell me about that.
- 1.6. Acknowledgement
- I want to thank to Hong Zhang <zhangh@earthlink.net> for being the
- original founder of this Chinese HOWTO document and for his papers of
- being the foundation of the new version. Also, I need to thank to Cd
- Chen <cdchen@linux.ntcic.edu.tw> for completing the section``Display
- and Input Chinese''.
- Translator, who is Frank_J.S._Chen <frank63@ms5.hinet.net>, also
- deserved the acknowledgments for translating this document into
- English.
- Here, there are many people ought to be acknowledged much better for
- the reasons of devoting their efforts to make Linux more reliable in
- Chinese. Because of their hard works, we can nowadays enjoy ourselves
- on a comfortable Chinese environment of Linux.
- 1.7. Words from The Translator--Frank J.S. Chen
- This work begins on 1/8/98 and ends on 1/11/98, which I call the
- version of 0.1, as I always did for the initial states of anything. I
- appreciate the hard work of Chinese version of this document for its
- delicate statements and not leaving out any detail in the field of
- Chinese practices. The more I translated, the more I learned. After
- examining all the sentences I've translated, there are definitely many
- of them won't like real American-English, or the so called Chinese-
- styled English. Well, if you are skilled in this field of translation
- or are somewhat interested in the circle of computers science,
- anything about this English article, just like grammar, writing, Linux
- of Chinese technology, translation, and so forth, will be sincerely
- grateful and excessively welcome, too.
- 2. Difficulties of using Chinese on Linux System
- This section makes an attempt to do a general description for the
- possible obstacles in using Chinese on Linux; then you could find the
- key points out much easier as you meet with problems. As a matter of
- fact, the shortcomings described here not only appear on Linux but
- also the other system. Even more, the whole computers environments are
- concerned. If this section is not suited for your tastes or you are
- eager to act directly, then you can jump onto the section``Display and
- Input Chinese''!
- A Chinese word is composite of two bytes in computers, as we all know.
- The most popular encoding methods including BIG5 codes available in
- the area of Taiwan and GB codes available in the mainland China. And
- the first byte is almost bigger than numeric values 128, which is what
- we called the non-ASCII codes.(The ASCII codes means codes smaller
- than 128.)
- Yes! Then so what? Here are the points! Because of different kinds of
- reasons, in the early days, many programs didn't consider the
- possibility of non-ASCII codes as a part of entering data.
- These kinds of programs always assume that the data prepared to
- manipulation are all limited in the range of ASCII codes, and the most
- worst is that when they meet with non-ASCII codes, an assumption of
- their non-existence and a truncation of the 8th bit is the most
- frequent method they take. This is the so called 8-bit clean problem.
- Your program, for example, always take it for granted that your inputs
- are all the 7-bit-width ASCII codes. When you enter Chinese words, it
- will erase the 8th bit so that the inputs under circumstances of
- Chinese will all become disturbed codes.
- Communication programs on Internet are usually only could transmit
- 7-bit data. A notorious substance is the earlier sendmail program.
- sendmail can only send and receive 7-bit mails, causing that the
- strategies of many odd encoding methods, ``Encoding'' of which make
- the receivers an excessive disturbance, are recognized as sending out
- Chinese mails(like uuencode, base64, QP and so on). (Frequently, I
- thought by myself that if the founders of emails could have put much
- foresight on it, then we could have little problems nowadays perhaps.)
- This problem seems to be more complicated on Internet. Even though you
- and your receivers all have the machines installed with sendmail
- program of which might manipulate with Chinese mails, the receiver
- might get disturbed mails in any way. This is because this mail
- before its arrival at the target may travel over several hosts settled
- on Internet, if one of the hosts' sendmail cuts the 8th bit off, then
- things go down. To the programs with the architecture of
- client/server, the problem maybe on the end of client, or on the end
- of server; otherwise both of them are.
- Applications which are incapable of identifying the Chinese encoding
- are also a major problem, apart from being unable to deal with non-
- ASCII codes' data. That is, most programs(even if they can deal with
- 8-bit data accurately) all take a Chinese word as two individual
- bytes. This won't cause problems under some conditions, but it will
- show an unfortunate disaster under some spots.
- The most obvious matter is that, for instance, even if you can input
- Chinese words properly, but the whole word will be split into two
- parts, only one byte(column) can backspace on monitor and the
- redundant half one then become a disturbed code as you hit the
- backspace key once trying to delete a complete word. More over than
- that, text editor might change new line at the middle of a Chinese
- word and then disturbed codes occurred or might think that a long
- Chinese sentence as a long English sentence without changing to a new
- line, making the picture of screen ugly and chaotic.
- More worse matters are there! Some Chinese words contain special codes
- which correspond to some particular meaning for some applications
- might make these programs producing severe faults when meeting with
- that codes or make just collapse.
- Here below will try to propose some resolved methods but segmental,
- incomplete and also unsatisfactory. Only when all softwares can fit
- with Chinese, then the problems could really resolve perhaps.
- However, more and more programs have noticed the significance of
- internationalization, for example, most hosts' ``sendmail'' programs
- all can cope with 8-bit mails exactly --- Not only transmitting
- Chinese mails need 8-bit, but also many multi-media mails need 8-bit.
- ``Lots of softwares'' already don't need to modify at all or just open
- some special options for the purpose of using Chinese.
- Simultaneously, there are more and more persons devoting to the birth
- of Chinese softwares. Let's us wait and expect.
- 3. Where to get Chinese softwares?
- 3.1. Websites for Chinese softwares
- Most of the Chinese softwares provided in this document can get from
- these sites below:
- ╖ <ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/>
- ╖ <ftp://linux.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/chinese/>
- ╖ <ftp://chinese.linux.org.tw/pub/Chinese/>
- ╖ <ftp://NCTUCCCA.edu.tw/Chinese/ifcss/software/>
- ╖ <http://cnapps.ifcss.org/>
- ╖ <http://irpslibrary.ucsd.edu/software/chinese_software/index.html>
- 3.2. Using Archie
- Usually, there are some ordinary questions such as "Where can I find
- xxx...?" appeared on Internet. Actually, there was an excellent
- utility named archie could help you to search softwares you needed.
- Make a link tohttp://archie.edu.tw/archie.html, and then enter the
- name of softwares that you want. If you have a desire to use xcin,
- for instance, just input xcin can you get all these softwares
- concerned with xcin displayed on screen. Then, choose the nearest site
- to download those softwares. More illustrations in detail can be found
- on the archie's homepage for self-reference.
- You can use the text mode, too. telnet archie.edu.tw and login as
- archie, then type prog FILENAME like,
- Archie > prog xcin-2.1d.tar.gz
- # Search type: sub.
- # Your queue position: 1
- # Estimated time for completion: 5 seconds.
- working... =
- Host linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw (
- Last updated 08:47 27 Nov 1997
- Location: /packages/chinese/xcin
- FILE -rw-r--r-- 1106789 bytes 08:58 25 Jul 1997 xcin-2.1d.tar.gz
- 4. Display and Input Chinese
- For DOS Chinese system or Windows 95 for Chinese, there is no doubt
- that you don't need to take a good look at this section. However, when
- your host is Linux-based system, configurations for Chinese system are
- definitely necessary.
- 4.1. xcin+crxvt
- It is truly suggested that you can take the combinations of xcin and
- crxvt as a pathway to solve the problems of Chinese I/O if the X
- Window System is acquainted with you.
- Xcin, with a contraction of X Window Chinese INput, is a system of
- Chinese Input executed under the X mode. Because xcin is utilizing the
- architecture of client/server, all you have to do is just to start one
- xcin window so that you can manipulate with many crxvt virtual
- terminals under the same window, which can exhaust much little the
- resources. Also, it offers some wise programs of input, like Wang-
- Hsing or Natural input, which can select the matching words by
- themselves. In the early age, in order to convert fonts and inputs
- table to fit with xcin, you need the ETen Chinese System mounted
- before the installation of xcin. After the man, Tung-Han Hsieh,
- <thhsieh@twclx.phys.ntu.edu.tw> became responsible for the voluntary
- maintenance of xcin, this terrible problem had been resolved!
- The newest version is 2.3.02 now. But this one is just a version of
- beta. For the more stable, go to get the xcin-2.1d for a suggestion in
- my mind.
- 4.1.1. Getting the software
- Download the sources of xcin from this ftp site below:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/xcin/xcin-2.1d.tar.gz
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/xcin/xcin-2.3.02.tar.gz
- 4.1.2. Installation of xcin
- You need the xcin-2.3.02.tar.gz file at hand first to setup xcin of
- version 2.3.02 and untar and unzip it under any certain directory.
- # tar xzvf xcin-2.3.02.tar.gz
- # cd xcin-2.3.02
- # ./configure (Follow the instructions on screen to modify the options you picked in turn.)
- # make
- # make install
- So, you have finished the setup of xcin of version 2.3.02 form now on.
- You can also get the same sort of xcin, named xcin-2.3.02.i386.rpm,
- maintained by Cd Chen for RedHat Linux System.
- ftp://linux.ntcic.edu.tw/personal/cdchen/Chinese-RedHat-
- Packages/XCIN/RPMS/xcin-2.3.02-1.i386.rpm
- Install it by
- # rpm -Uvv xcin-2.3.02-3.i386.rpm
- 4.2. yact
- The yact is the Chinese display and input system running under the
- terminal mode. The most different point from chdrv is that yact uses
- your computers' displaying card through svgalib library. Without the
- information of your video card contained in the svgalib, you may not
- probably make yact work on your Linux.
- The most admirable for yact is that the fonts are scanned with 24x24
- on the monitor and are more beautiful than other terminal Chinese
- input system. And it is more smooth than others in dealing with
- scrolling pages. The newest version of yact is yact-p4 now.
- You can get yact here below,
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/yact/yactp4.tar.gz
- The ways to setup yact are simple, too. After getting the sources of
- yact, decompress it and examine whether the Makefile file is correct
- or not, then type make all install directly on shell prompt to com¡
- plete the installation of bits files. Read the README file for more
- detailed information.
- Next is the step of fonts' setup. The yact uses the HBF fonts, but you
- can't find the fonts in the packages of yact, which means you need to
- take extra actions to make it available. Having ETen Chinese System is
- an original recommendation from the founder for its fonts. Copy the
- HBF fonts' description file et24.hbf under the fonts directory of
- sources of yact to the directory /usr/local/lib/yact and rename it as
- hzfont.hbf. Then copy STDFONT.24, SPCFSUPP.24, SPCFONT.24 and
- ASCFONT.24 fonts files to the directory /usr/local/lib/yact and rename
- ASCFONT.24 as 12x24.
- The free HBF fonts are available too. Change names of these 256 ASCII
- fonts as 12x24 and names of the HBF fonts' description file as
- hzfont.hbf. Put both of description files and fonts files into
- /usr/local/lib/yact, then everything will be ok.
- 4.3. bcs16
- Because yact needs the svgalib 1024x768 mode to work many netters
- without ET4000 series cards cannot get well supports from it, causing
- their sickness of this excellent Chinese system. The bcs16 is
- modified from yact according to this drawbacks. It needs only 640x480
- and can work very well on most video cards.
- Get bcs16 from this site:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/bcs/bcs007a.tgz
- Installation
- ╖ Decompress and compile to setup
- # tar zxvf bcs007a.tgz
- # cd bcs16
- # make
- # cp bcs16 /usr/local/bin
- ╖ The bcs16 take the yact's input table as default and this is the
- reason that you must setup yact first before bcs16 can work.
- However, version of v0.05 or lathers have been emerged with the
- support of individual Boshiamy input, so if you don't need other
- inputs provided from yact, you don't need to install yact first.
- Just fetch Boshiamy input table, liubig5.tab, of DOS version, into
- the directory /usr/local/lib/yact .
- ╖ Put files under directory data into this one /usr/local/lib/yact
- and all the legal fonts files, namely spcfont.15, spcfsupp.15,
- andstdfont.15 , in the upper place too.
- ╖ If you want to see GB codes or Japanese or Korean, get fonts
- cclib.16.gz cclib.16a.gz, jis.16.gz, ksc.16.gz from the site below
- and decompress them into /usr/local/lib/yact.
- ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/Chinese/ifcss/software/fonts/
- ╖ If you have the files of creating fonts or sets of Sea-Fonts, you
- can copy them to the directory /usr/local/lib/yact/usrfont.15m too.
- ╖ Execute bcs16. Press Alt-H can get more advanced explanations of
- instructions.
- The founder of bcs16 iscnoize.bbs@bbs.cis.nctu.edu.tw.
- 4.4. chdrv
- The chdrv is a Chinese emulator program displaying and entering
- Chinese through console. Because chdrv access the tty device directly,
- it is activated by the root. Now, chdrv is maintained by Yu-Chung Wang
- <wycc@iis.sinica.edu.tw> and the newest one is chdrv-1.0.10.
- 4.4.1. Getting chdrv
- You can get it from
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/chdrv/
- Get the source package, chdrv-1.0.10.tar.gz, binary package,
- chdrvbin-1.0.10.tar.gz, and fonts package, chdrvfont.tar.gz of chdrv,
- respectively.
- 4.4.2. Installation of chdrv
- Unzip and untar the binary compressed file,
- # tar xvzf chdrvbin-1.0.10.tar.gz
- # mv chdrvfont.tar.gz chdrv-1.0.10/
- # cd chdrv-1.0.10
- Read the illustrations for installation in file INSTALL.1.0 to modify
- file install. If you want your shadow password works, you need to
- change the settings in chinese.conf. Erase the following comments off,
- LOGINPROGRAM /bin/telnet
- Freeze this line into remarks,
- LOGINPROGRAM /bin/login
- Now, you can execute the installation script.
- # ./installbin
- 4.5. cxterm
- The cxterm is a Chinese virtual terminal running under X Window
- System, and being the oldest Chinese Displaying and input environments
- of virtual terminal, which is provided various codes for Chinese,
- including BIG5 codes, GB codes, HZ codes and so on. Because each
- cxterm opened needs to load Chinese data into the main memory, system
- resources are exhausted quite largely for it.
- 4.5.1. Getting cxterm
- The newest one is version of 5.0.p3 named cxterm5.0.p3.tar.gz, which
- contains both of cxterm codes and Chinese fonts. You can get it from
- here below,
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/x-win/cxterm/
- Or the rpm at sunsite: cxterm-5.0-1.i386.rpm, cxterm-
- big5-5.0-1.i386.rpm, cxterm-gb-5.0-1.i386.rpm,
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/distributions/redhat/contrib/contrib-2.0.x/RPMS/
- 4.5.2. Installation of cxterm
- Decompress the packed,
- # tar -xvzf cxterm5.0.p3.tar.gz
- This upper instruction will produce a new directory cxterm-5.0, and
- then invoke instructions as follows:
- # cd cxterm-5.0
- # ./config.sh
- You need login as root to execute ``./config.sh'' if you want all
- users on your system can use cxterm well, then you can finish the
- steps of setup following the descriptions below:
- 0. Read COPYRIGHT Notice
- 1. Compile, Install, and Configure "CXTERM 5.0" in One Step
- 2. Compile cxterm (not to install)
- 3. Install cxterm (after successful compilation in 2)
- 4. Install additional Chinese font(s) for your X window
- 5. Configure your account for using cxterm (after installation in 3)
- x. Exit
- Please choose (0/1/2/3/4/5/x) :
- If you want all things go through automatically, please choose 1, and
- then enter the name of directory where to store the cxterm. If asking
- me, I will suggest this place, /usr/local/chineseíD There are two
- kinds of Chinese fonts come with the packed package, choosing 1 and 3
- will make the procedure of installation all automatic. In addition,
- you can select 4 to install some extra fonts, too. After achieving
- this setup, you need to put cxterm and CXterm into the path of
- searching directory.
- # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/chinese/bin
- CXterm is just a shell script to load the resources of X and cxterm
- in. For using GB codes, invoke this command,
- # CXterm -gb
- Otherwise for BIG5 codes, invoking this command,
- # CXterm -big5
- 4.5.3. Color patch of CXterm
- On the websiteftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/x-win/cxterm, there is
- a color patch for cxterm as well. Using this patch can make cxterm
- showing colors of ANSI. Assuming that you put the original files of
- cxterm under the /tmp/cxterm-5.0.
- # cp cxterm-5.0.p3-color.patch.gz /tmp
- # gzip -d cxterm-5.0.p3-color.patch.gz
- # patch < cxterm-5.0.p3-color.patch
- # cd cxterm-5.0
- # ./config.sh
- 4.6. XA (Xcin Anywhere)
- XA is a small tool of an abbreviation for Xcin Anywhere, which can let
- you enter Chinese words with xcin under any common X-based softwares.
- If making XA coordinating with CXWin(or XA+CV), you can get an
- environment of accessing Chinese for softwares not supported with
- Chinese. Thus, the xterm will become cxterm-like naturally. Cool,
- doesn't it? XA is now extremely unstable as though, and you have to
- take charge of all risks if you want to explore it. As most things do,
- before working XA, you must make xcin installed first. You can pick XA
- up into your pocket from here below:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/xcin/XA/
- Decompress the packed. Run ./configure to produce mk and config.h on
- account for the compilation by using ./mk. If it works, key in ./mk
- test xterm next to see if the xcin can be called out and enter Chinese
- under xterm. If there is no problem, copy wrap.so to /usr/local/lib/
- following the syntax below:
- # LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/wrap.so netscape &
- Then, just follow the general method of using xcin.
- Founder of XA isweijr.bbs@bbs.ntu.edu.tw.
- 4.7. New Added Inputs
- At present, there are two common formats of input table, namely tit
- and cin, which both are plain text of formats. (That's means you can
- edit them directly from editors.) However, most Chinese Systems
- almost provide utilities for the purpose of exchanging pure text of
- formats into special binary of formats in order to speed up searching
- method. Before you setup some certain input, you must own its tit ,
- cin, or formats after transformation first .
- I will take the Bo-Shia-My input as an example to show that how to add
- it under each kind of Chinese system. The input tables mentioned can
- be found atftp://ftp.cis.nctu.edu.tw/UNIX/Chinese/Boshiamy/.
- Other tit files are also available at
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/x-win/cxterm/dict/.
- 4.7.1. xcin
- Make use of utility cin2tab provided from xcin to transform the cin
- table into tab one.
- # cin2tab boshiamy.cin
- It will produce the two files: boshiamy.tab and boshiamy.tab.rev. Put
- them into the directory of xcin and activate xcin:
- # xcin -in9 boshiamy.tab
- To use Bo-Shia-My input, press the combination keys CTRL-ALT-9.
- 4.7.2. yact & bcs16
- The yact take the use of cit of version 2, the same as cxterm. You can
- use the tool tit2cit accompanied with yact to make transformation
- between boshiamy.tit and cit available.
- Move boshiamy.cit into /usr/local/lib/yact and establish a symbol link
- for it:
- # ln -s boshiamy.cit 9
- Like xcin does, Hit CTRL-ALT-9 for calling Bo-Shia-My input.
- 4.7.3. chdrv
- At first, put boshiamy.tbl into /usr/local/lib/chinese. Secondly,
- modify /etc/chinese.conf, adding the follow section INPUT into it.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- PHONETIC /usr/local/lib/chinese/phone.def
- MULTI /usr/local/lib/chinese/boshiamy.tbl
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Finally, use utility chconfig of chdrv to make the contents of
- /etc/chinese.conf effective.
- 4.7.4. cxterm
- Change boshiamy.tit into cit or citnf with the utility tit2cit of
- cxterm, then modify .Xdefaults to set a combination key for acting Bo-
- Shia-My input. Please refer to the technical document coming with
- cxterm for more information about installation and implementation in
- detail.
- 4.8. Problems coming with input
- After you accomplished the establishments of Chinese System, you have
- already been able to display Chinese on your Linux from monitors.
- However, as using a Chinese editor, you will find that the Linux
- system can only display Chinese but cannot accept the input of
- Chinese. You have to modify two spots, by yourself, to make Linus
- system becoming acceptable with output and input of Chinese if you
- want to improve these problems At beginning, you need to add the
- locale setting to the shell profile file (Referring to the locale
- mini-HOWTO when concerning with locale). Additionally, adding sets
- about inputs for the .inputrc file under your home directory is
- necessary too. (Please create it yourself if .inputrc doesn't ever
- exist.) Here are the configurations concerning with shell profile
- file and .inputrc file which are distributing public(just as a
- reference, though):
- Bash Shell: Increasing the following contents in /etc/profile, please.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- stty cs8 -istrip
- stty pass8
- export LANG=C
- export LC_CTYPE=iso-8859-1
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Tcsh Shell: Increasing the following contents in /etc/csh.login or in
- /etc/csh.cshrc, please.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- stty cs8 -istrip
- stty pass8
- setenv LANG C
- setenv LC_CTYPE iso-8859-1
- ______________________________________________________________________
- $HOME/.inputrc file for setup listing as follows:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- set convert-meta off
- set output-meta on
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Eventually, prepare a text file contained with Chinese words by
- yourself, and use tool grep to search it. If it can find something
- exact, this means that your Linux system can work with Chinese words
- already.
- 5. Chinese X Window System
- X Window System is a software with powerful environment of graphical
- user interface under UNIX System. XFree86 is a modified version from
- MIT X Window System and also freely distributed.
- 5.1. CXWin
- The Chinese X, abbreviated with CXWin, is really a patch of XFree86,
- making it can show Chinese words under X Window System. Founder of it
- is srlee <mailto:srlee@csie.nctu.edu.tw>. CXWin only support BIG5
- code at present, and can let you be possessed of Chinese pop-up menus,
- of Chinese titles of windows, and of showing Chinese under a variety
- of window managers and applications.
- 5.1.1. How to get it?
- You can get CXWin 3.3 from this ftp site below:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/X/Xserver/CXwin/3.3/
- If you use XFree86 3.2, you can get the Linux ELF format of version
- 3.2.
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/CXwin/binaries/
- All you need is to get the corresponding X server. For example, if
- your video card is matched with XF86_SVGA, just take XF86_SVGA.gz away
- home. XF86_SVGA.gz should work properly on most video cards.
- If you system is compatible with rpm, you can get the newest CXWin
- 3.3.1 of rpm.
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/X/Xserver/CXwin/3.3.1/
- 5.1.2. Patches
- You can get the patches at the same place to compile to binary files
- by yourself if you've got the sources of XFree86.
- 5.1.3. Installation
- Make sure that you have these shared libraries if your choice is CXWin
- 3.3 (You can use ldconfig -p for an observation):
- libm.so.5 => /lib/libm.so.5.0.6
- libdl.so.1 => /lib/libdl.so.1.7.14
- libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5.3.12
- If your choice is CXWin 3.2, then you need the libc of version 5.2.18
- or newer.
- First, unzip the compressed files of gzip.
- # gzip -d XF86_SVGA.gz
- Duplicate the original X server as a copy as the root identification.
- # cd /usr/X11R6/bin
- Put the decompressed CXWin into the exact place and create the decent
- symbolic link:
- # mv /tmp/XF86_SVGA /usr/X11R6/bin
- # chown root.bin XF86_SVGA
- # chmod 4755 XF86_SVGA
- # ln -sf XF86_SVGA X
- If your choice is rpm, then everything is more simple and more
- compact.
- # rpm -Uvv XFree86-SVGA-3.3.1-1c.i386.rpm
- CXWin needs the following four BIG5 fonts to work normally: taipei15,
- taipei16, taipeik20 and taipeik24. Install these Chinese fonts in
- accordance with the method of next section.
- 5.2. Installation of Chinese fonts
- 5.2.1. Where to get these fonts?
- Maybe you have already installed some Chinese fonts; for GB fonts, you
- can find them out through the next way:
- # xlsfonts | grep gb
- -cclib-song-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-gb2312.1980-1
- -cclib-song-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-gb2312.1980-1
- -isas-fangsong ti-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-gb2312.1980-0
- -isas-fangsong ti-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-gb2312.1980-0
- -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-gb2312.1980-0
- -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-gb2312.1980-0
- -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-240-gb2312.1980-0
- hanzigb13fs
- hanzigb13st
- hanzigb16fs
- hanzigb16st
- hanzigb24st
- The last five fonts are the previous five ones' aliases. To check the
- installed BIG5 fonts, using
- # xlsfonts | grep big5
- -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-0-0-75-75-c-0-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-20-200-75-75-c-200-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-0-0-75-75-c-0-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-15-150-75-75-c-160-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -uw-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-0-0-75-75-c-0-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -uw-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-16-160-75-75-c-160-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -uw-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-20-200-75-75-c-200-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -uw-songti-medium-r-normal-fantizi-0-0-75-75-c-0-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -uw-songti-medium-r-normal-fantizi-20-200-75-75-c-200-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -uw-songti-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1
- You can take all of it from this ftp
- siteftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/ if you haven't installed
- any of them or if you want more of them. The gb/bdf/ among them is a
- GB font while the big5/bdf is a BIG5 font.
- 5.2.2. Installation of X fonts
- Assuming that you have already got a BIG5 font, eb5-24k2.bdf.gz, and a
- GB font, gb24st.bdf.gz. What you have to do first is that changing
- them into the format of .pcf.
- # gzip -cd eb5-24k2.bdf.gz | bdftopcf -t > eb5-24k2.pcf
- # gzip -cd gb24st.bdf.gz | bdftopcf -t > gb24st.pcf
- # compress *.pcf
- Then install them under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
- # mv *.pcf.Z /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
- # cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
- # mkfontdir .
- Now it should contain the following two lines in fonts.dir:
- eb5-24k2.pcf.Z -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1
- gb24st.pcf.Z -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-240-gb2312.1980-0
- You can create other aliases for these fonts for the advantages of
- saving typing time when using Chinese softwares. Add the two lines in
- fonts.alias,
- gb24st "-isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-240-gb2312.1980-0"
- taipeik24 "-kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1"
- Next, tell X Server to reload these fonts,
- # xset fp rehash
- If everything is fine, you can use the new fonts now:
- # cxterm -GB -fn 12x24 -fh gb24st &
- You can put these fonts into another directory, too, for instance,
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/chinese. If this works, you have to add this
- line /etc/XF86Config to the Section "Files",
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/chinese/"
- So, when you start X next time, you can use these fonts without any
- problems.
- 5.2.3. Transformations from other fonts to X fonts
- There is a TTF2BDF program, written by lwj, can let you transform the
- TTF fonts of Windows into BDF fonts. You can get it from here below:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/TTF2BDF.EXE
- This is a Win32 program, thus you must execute it on Windows 95 or NT.
- Next step is that change BDF into PCF, then you can use it under X.
- (You can use BDF directly under X; but that BDF carried with bigger
- sizes means PCF will be a better choice though.)
- # bdftopcf -t < ming.bdf > ming.pcf
- You may change HBF into BDF and PCF fonts, too. Here is the ftp site
- for the utility of transformation.
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/utils/hbf.tar.gz
- # hbftobdf ccfs24.hbf > ccfs24.bdf
- # bdftopcf -t < ccfs24.bdf > ccfs24.pcf
- Other nice font conversion programs are available at:
- ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/CLR/multiling/General/ttf2bdf-1.6-ELF.tar.gz
- ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/CLR/multiling/General/xmbdfed-2.8.tar.gz
- 5.3. TaBE & B5LE
- TaBE and B5LE(Big5 Locale Environment) are projects both based on
- locale for solving the Chinese ability under X. If we can finish
- them, then the problems coming with Chinese I/O under X can be
- resolved thoroughly.
- The TaBE author, shawn, has been taken for the military service in
- Taiwan, and the homepage of TaBE had been removed either(so awfully?),
- so this project has been dead from that time.
- Author of B5LE is Thinker <Thinker.bbs@bbs.yzu.edu.tw>. However, the
- major platform is FreeBSD , though. If someone install B5LE
- successfully on Linux platform, please let me know about it. The
- concerned homepage is listed as follows:
- <http://ftp-cnpa.yzit.edu.tw/~thinker/B5LE/>
- 6. Prnting for Chinese
- This section will teach you how to print Chinese documents, but
- without the demonstrations of how to set your printer; that you have
- to make it all ready by yourself. Tools introduced in this section
- are all for transformations to PostScript format; hence, you need to
- set your printer up in order to print PostScript files. If your
- printer doesn't support PostScript directly, you can install
- ghostscript instead. Please refer to Printing HOWTO.
- 6.1. cnprint
- cnprint is a printing tool for the purpose of changing Chinese text
- files into PostScript format, of which commands are the same as the
- standard ones. It supports GB, HZ, and BIG5 codes simultaneously.
- 6.1.1. Where to get it?
- Down load it from ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print, of
- which name is cnprint280.tar.gz.
- 6.1.2. Setting up cnprint
- cnprint280.tar.gz contains only five files.
- # ls
- cnprint.1 cnprint.cmd cnprint280.README
- cnprint.c cnprint.help
- Compile it through this way below:
- # gcc cnprint.c -o cnprint
- # mv cnprint /usr/local/bin
- # mv cnprint.1 /usr/local/man/man1
- 6.1.3. Installing HBF fonts
- HBF fonts includes both description files and fonts files. A .hbf is
- the header file describing fonts, with a texture of plain text,
- recording the file names of its fonts files. Both of two files must
- you install. You can find them at
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/.
- If you want to use ccfs24.hbf, for example, which is a sort of
- simplified Sung-imitated style font, you must obtain these three
- following files: ccfs24.hbf, cclib.n24 and ccsym.24. In the ifcss
- fonts directory, 00index.txt lists all HBF fonts' filenames.
- Establish a specific directory to store HBF fonts, just like
- /usr/local/lib/chinese/HBF/, for instance. Put all HBF description
- files and fonts files you've got together under this directory, then
- export the complete directory pathname for HBF out of environmental
- variables.
- # export HBFPATH="/usr/local/lib/chinese/HBF/"
- This file cnprint.cmd contains some default values for cnprint, that
- you have to fix them up to point to the HBF fonts you have installed,
- and then export it to $HBFPATH.
- # cp cnprint.cmd $HBFPATH
- Now, you can use ``cnprint -w FILENAME'' to change Chinese text files
- into PostScript files well. For more information in detail, take a
- look at man cnprint yourself.
- 6.1.4. Code Transformation
- The cnprint 2.80 has been added a great deal of splendid abilities
- such as transformations amongst various code formats, for example,
- BIG5 <=> GB <=> HZ. For BIG5 <=> GB, you need another tabulation for
- installing, though, which can be found from this following site:
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hc.tab
- Put it under the fonts directory of HBF, and modify cnprint.cmd,
- adding this
- DEFAULT_GBB5_TABLEFILE: /usr/local/lib/chinese/HBF/hc.tab
- Not only, for BIG5 into GB codes, can the transformation against words
- to words of cnprint 2.80, but also can implement the work against
- phases to phases. However, cnprint itself didn't offer the dictionary
- for transformations, that means that you have to create a dictionary
- by yourself if you need one. Please refer to man cnprint for more
- details.
- 6.2. ps2cps
- The purpose of this small program is to make PostScript files, which
- could not pork Chinese out to output devices, available for Chinese
- output. For example, that when Netscape printing files, it will
- transport files into PostScript formats first; however, the outputs of
- PostScript won't load Chinese fonts so that the original parts of
- Chinese words will become disturbed codes to output. This program can
- read PostScript in, and replace the disturbed codes with corresponding
- words, and afterwards pork the results out to the standard output
- devices, that the output can send to any other printers which can
- print PostScript documents.
- Pick ps2cps up from this site:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/misc/ps2cps-0.1.tgz
- Untar and unzip this file, and modify Makefile according to your
- demands:
- BINPATH : Installing pathname for binary ps2cps
- PS2CPSPATH : Resources files' pathname for PS2CPS
- PS2CPSRC : Filename of resources files for PS2CPS
- Next step is that make all install.
- You have to install HBF Chinese fonts first according to the previous
- section, and then modify your ps2cpsrc file:
- HBF_PATH: Define the directory pathname of HBF fonts
- HBF_NAME: Define filenames of HBF fonts(NOT including pathname)
- CH_WORD_SHIFT: Define shift of Chinese fonts
- The last item is used for adjustment of Chinese fonts' locations. Some
- Chinese fonts and the original English fonts may probably not locate
- on the same horizontal level line, so you can set this variable, of
- which numeric values ranging from -1.0 to +1.0, activated to adjust it
- up or down.
- So, you can use the examples from the founder to do some tests:
- # ps2cps thhsieh.ps > c-thhsieh.ps
- Use ghostview to see whether you can see Chinese words or not.
- However, this program is still under beta, there are so many problems
- waited for resolving. If you have any questions or recommendations,
- you can send messages to the author directly: Tung-Han Hsieh
- <thhsieh@twclx.phys.ntu.edu.tw>.
- 6.3. bg2ps
- This is another program which can transform BIG5-based Chinese files
- into PostScript available for printing, the same as the cnprint. But
- because it uses the TrueType fonts, the output is more beautiful than
- others. In addition, it has a script which can transform PostScript
- out of Netscape into Chinese. The author is Chen-Shan Chin
- <cschin@u.washington.edu>.
- Getting this software from this web site:
- <http://weber.u.washington.edu/~cschin/bg2ps/>
- 6.3.1. Installing bg2ps
- Decompress and compile it:
- # mkdir bg2ps
- # cd bg2ps
- # tar xzvf bg5ps.tgz
- # gcc -O2 ttf2psm.c -o ttf2psm
- Install TrueType fonts next. You can install it under the same
- directory of bg2ps or assign another directory for use. Refer to
- ``Installing TTF fonts'' for more explanations. Then create a
- .bg5ps.conf under the directory, and you can pick directly up the
- sample file coming with this program to modify. The most important is
- to assign the directory where you installed the TrueType fonts to
- chineseFontPath, and rename the content of fontName to the fonts name
- you used.
- Test the sample coming with it, and view the output as ghostview or
- gv.
- # ./bg5ps -if test.big5 -of test.ps
- # ghostview test.ps
- 6.3.2. Installing nps2cps
- The nps2cps has no extra configuration files. You need to modify
- yourself the chineseFontPath and fontName in nps2cps script.
- Test nps2cps:
- # nps2cps < netscape.ps > test.ps
- # ghostview test.ps
- 6.4. gb2ps
- The gb2ps program is another tool for printing GB and HZ codes.
- 6.4.1. How to get gb2ps?
- Package:
- gb2ps.2.02.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print
- Fonts:
- csong24.ccf ckai24.ccf
- cfang24.ccf chei24.ccf
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/
- Put the fonts under certain self-established directory, just like
- /usr/local/lib/chinese/CFONT.
- 6.4.2. Installing gb2ps
- Changing the settings in Makefile before compiling gb2ps.
- CFONT=/usr/local/lib/chinese/CFONT/
- COVERPAGE=/usr/local/lib/chinese/lib/cover.ps
- Then type these commands,
- # make
- # cp gb2ps /usr/local/bin
- 7. Chinese printing Softwares
- 7.1. LaTeX + CJK
- TeX/LaTeX is a set of printing softwares, of which excellent and
- elegant output quality have been admiring and adopting out of the
- academic circles for several years. The CJK is a LaTeX2e macro
- package, which can let you use CJK (Chinese/Japanese /Korean) literal
- codes in TeX documents.
- You need install TeX/LaTeX first on your Linux system; many Linux
- distributions been included teTeX/LaTeX already. If haven't, you could
- install it by yourself. Please link to teTeX HOWTO for more
- information.
- 7.1.1. Getting this software
- Obtain CJK 4.1.2 from this site:
- ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/Chinese/ifcss/software/tex/CJK-4.1.2.src.tar.gz
- Bring the demanded TTF fonts home:
- ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/Chinese/ifcss/software/fonts/big5/ms-
- win/
- 7.1.2. Installation
- You must have a ideal about the teTeX/LaTeX installing directory,
- $TEXMF, for example, /usr/lib/texmf. And I assume that you will use
- the ntu_kai.ttf font; if doesn't, make a change to match it.
- ╖ Put the downloaded fonts, after ``decompression'', into the
- $TEXMF/fonts/truetype/chinese.
- ╖ Unzip and untar CJK-4.1.2.src.tar.gz, and mv the sub-directory
- texinput to $TEXMF/tex/latex, and rename it to CJK, and create the
- fonts directory.
- # cd 4_1.2/; mv ./texinput $TEXMF/tex/latex/CJK
- # mkdir -p $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/chinese/ntukai
- # mkdir $TEXMF/ttf2pk
- # mkdir $TEXMF/hbf2gf
- ╖ To come immediately, it will probably be the most difficult step.
- You need to invoke patch command to append *.diff under
- 4_1.2/doc/teTeX upon these following files:
- /usr/bin/MakeTeX*
- $TEXMF/web2c/texmf.cnf
- $TEXMF/fontname/special.map
- For instance:
- # cd /usr/bin
- # patch -s < 4_1.2/doc/teTeX/MakeTeXPK.diff
- According to the enormous TeX versions, your action with patch may
- fail perhaps. If so, you need to do it manually by yourself to patch
- these parts of failure( the portions of failure will record in .rej).
- If you don't understand the theory of patch well, you had better get
- someone experienced to help you.
- ╖ Compiling and installing bg5conv
- # cd 4_1.2/utils/Bg5conv; gcc -o bg5conv bg5conv.c
- # chmod 755 bg5latex
- # cp bg5conv bg5latex /usr/local/bin/
- # gzip bg5conv.1; cp bg5conv.1.gz /usr/local/man/man1/
- Because there are some codes in BIG5 TeX documents may contain {, }, &
- and so forth, which are the specific tokens to TeX , the bg5conv can
- change this codes into certain format that can let TeX manipulate.
- ╖ Compile and install ttf2pk, which can change TrueType fonts into
- TeX's pk fonts.
- # cd 4_1.2/utils/ttf2pk/src
- # make all OS=unix
- # cp ttf2pk /usr/local/bin/
- # cd ..
- # cp config/ttf2pk.cfg $TEXMF/ttf2pk/
- # gzip ttf2pk.1; cp ttf2pk.1.gz /usr/local/man/man1/
- # cp c00kai.fd $TEXMF/tex/latex/CJK/Bg5/
- # cp MakeTTFPK /usr/local/bin
- ╖ If you want to print documents vertically, you have to edit a
- c00kair.fd file under $TEXMF/tex/latex/CJK/Bg5/:
- ___________________________________________________________________
- \def\fileversion{4.1.0}
- \def\filedate{1996/11/20}
- \ProvidesFile{c00kair.fd}[\filedate\space\fileversion]
- % traditional Chinese characters in Big 5 encoding scheme.
- % font shape: kai
- % ntu_kai.ttf is Kai3 Shu1 ("model book")
- \DeclareFontFamily{C00}{kair}{}
- \DeclareFontShape{C00}{kair}{m}{n}{<-> CJK * ntukar}{}
- \DeclareFontShape{C00}{kair}{bx}{n}{<-> CJKb * ntukar}{\CJKbold}
- \endinput
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Execute texconfig:
- # texconfig rehash
- # texconfig hyphen
- 7.1.3. Tests
- ╖ Horizontal printing tests:
- # cd 4_1.2/examples
- # bg5latex Big5.tex (See if there is a Big5.dvi appeared ?)
- # xdvi Big5.dvi (Can you see Chinese? Of course, in X mode)
- # dvips Big5.dvi -o Big5.ps (Change to PostScript format)
- # ghostview Big5.ps (View it as ghostview)
- # lpr Big5.ps (Send it to printers, see if there are Chinese printed.)
- ╖ Vertical printing tests: You can use the Big5vert.tex file under
- examples to repeat those previous procedures.
- 7.1.4. Adding New Fonts
- For example, if you want to change to the Ming style font ntu_mm.ttf,
- then
- ╖ put your TrueType fonts under $TEXMF/fonts/truetype/chinese.
- ╖ And then add the two lines in $TEXMF/ttf2pk/ttf2pk.cfg:
- ntumm: -e Big5 $TEXMF/fonts/truetype/chinese/ntu_mm.ttf
- ntummr: -r 1 -e Big5 $TEXMF/fonts/truetype/chinese/ntu_mm.ttf
- ╖ Create the c00ming.fd file:
- # cd 4_1.2/utils/ttf2pk
- # cp c00ming.fd $TEXMF/tex/latex/CJK/Bg5/
- ╖ Execute the texconfig again.
- ╖ Change kai to ming in file 4_1.2/examples/Big5.tex, and then repeat
- this steps, bg5latex, xdvi, dvips and so on, to see if the results
- correct or not.
- ╖ If you want to print files vertically, redo the section
- installation and create the c00mingr.fd file listed as follows, and
- then change kair to mingr in Big5vert.tex file, and repeat tests
- processes.
- ___________________________________________________________________
- \def\fileversion{4.1.0}
- \def\filedate{1996/11/20}
- \ProvidesFile{c00kair.fd}[\filedate\space\fileversion]
- \DeclareFontFamily{C00}{mingr}{}
- \DeclareFontShape{C00}{mingr}{m}{n}{<-> CJK * ntummr}{}
- \DeclareFontShape{C00}{mingr}{bx}{n}{<-> CJKb * ntummr}{\CJKbold}
- \endinput
- ___________________________________________________________________
- 7.1.5. Creating CJK Documents
- The dominant difference between Chinese CJK TeX documents and general
- LaTeX ones is that:
- ╖ There should exist the \usepackage{CJK} command in the preamble
- (\documentclass to \begin{document}í^section, that means you must
- have CJK.sty loaded.
- ╖ Chinese words must be under the circumstances of CJK or CJK*.
- ╖ If you want to change fonts, you can use \CJKfamily command, for
- example, the command \CJKfamily{fs} will change the following fonts
- as Song-imitated fonts( Certainly, the fs fonts' name must be
- defined in c00fs.fd).
- This is a demonstration for CJK document:
- ___________________________________________________________________
- \documentclass[12pt]{article}
- \usepackage{CJK}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{CJK*}{Bg5}{kai}
- \section{first section}
- \section{second section}
- Paragraphs, sections, pictures, tables, references and so forth...
- ...
- \end{CJK*}
- \end{document}
- ___________________________________________________________________
- 7.2. ChiTeX
- Developed by professor Chen Hung-Yih <yih@math.ncu.edu.tw>.
- Operations with the ChiTeX are easy enough just like the English TeX,
- apart from some special instructions in it.
- 7.2.1. Obatining
- From here, you can find its vestige:
- ftp://dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw/tex-
- archive/local/chitex/chitex/Linux/
- 7.2.2. Installing
- You should know what's version of TeX installed on your Linux.. On
- older system, the installed one usually is NTeX while on newer one, it
- will be always teTeX . How to tell which TeX you've installed, teTeX
- or NTeX, on your Linux System. Just run the TeX. If the monitor
- appears
- This is TeX, Version 3.14159
- , then it is teTeX. Otherwise,
- This is TeX, Version 3.1415N
- It is NTeX. Download the exact ChiTeX corresponding to your version
- of TeX.
- It is simple to install ChiTeX. Just put chitex60.tgz(teTeX) or
- chitexN.tgz(NTeX) and fonts1.tgz, fonts2.tgz under /usr/local. And
- decompress chitex60.tgz to execute setup program csetup.
- # tar zxvf chitex60.tgz
- # cd chitex60
- # ./csetup
- 7.2.3. Installing fonts
- You can install Chinese TrueType fonts for ChiTeX.
- ╖ Put TrueType fonts under $TEXMF/fonts/chinese/ttf.
- ╖ Modify $TEXMF/tex/chinese/chitex.fdf, and add a new line:
- \choosechfont{fontname}{filename}
- In it, the filename is the fonts' names erased the .ttf part, and
- \fontname is the macro that you can use for this font in your docu¡
- ment. For example, if you want to use a font named avntmv.ttf, put a
- line \choosechfont{ming}{avntmv}, and use the macro \ming to use the
- font avntmv.ttf.
- ╖ In chitex.fdf, there were defined several fonts; thus, if you want
- to install these fonts, you don't have to change chitex.fdf any
- more.
- \kai ----> ntukai.ttf
- \li ----> ntuli.ttf
- \mr ----> ntumr.ttf
- \fs ----> ntufs.ttf
- 7.2.4. Tests
- Now, you can take the samples enclosed with ChiTeX to test:
- # chilatex math2.tex (Compiling)
- # xdvi math2 (pre-viewing)
- # dvips math2 (Changing to PostScript file)
- # ghostview math2.ps (Using ghostview to view the output)
- You can also write a small document to test the new installed fonts:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- \documentclass[12pt]{article}
- \begin{document}
- \ming
- This is a test(You should type these words in Chinese).
- \end{document}
- ______________________________________________________________________
- For more information, please refer to the homepage of professor Chen.
- http://www.math.ncu.edu.tw/yih/intro.htm
- 7.3. Dtop
- The Dtop is a Chinese printing software for the UNIX platform,
- developed by the Behavior Design Corporation <http://www.bdc.com.tw/>.
- In early November, 1995, it released the version of v1.4, which was
- composite of five various platforms, simultaneously. The Linux beta
- version provided the users with a trial of free and endless
- expiration, which has created another nice Chinese environment for
- Linux fans. However, the formal version is late for publishing until
- now due to the tiny scope of business market. It seems that this had
- been ceased to develop.
- 7.3.1. How to Get it?
- The beta version of Dtop for Linux can download from each school's ftp
- site:
- ╖ <ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/Chinese/ifcss/software/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/pub/>
- ╖ <ftp://ftp.ntu.edu.tw/Chinese/ifcss/software/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/pub/>
- ╖ <ftp://ftp.ccu.edu.tw/pub3/chinese/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/pub/>
- ╖ <ftp://ftp.ncu.edu.tw/OS/linux/X/ifcss/X11R6/dtop1.4/pub/>
- ╖ <ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/pub/>
- There are three sub-directories saying respectively,
- dtop.linux
- Storage for binary files and data files of Dtop, which can
- divide into three major files. After decompressing all files,
- the disk space demanded is about 40MB.
- dtop.readme
- Storage for related documents of Dtop, which are stored as the
- file format defined by Dtop. Users can read this papers through
- this beta version directly.
- dtop.manual
- Storage for references for X version of Dtop, which are stored
- as the file format defined by Dtop. The X version can access
- through Linux, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Sun 4.1.x, and Solaris directly.
- 7.3.2. Installing
- The hardware required is something like this: CPU 486 DX-33 or later,
- RAM 16MB or larger, 50MB disk space or so. If there is no enough
- memory on your system, you will get nuts someday.
- Decompress all the files under dtop.linux to a self-selected
- directory, for example, /usr/local/dtop.
- Before implementing it, you must first set environment variable
- $DTOPHOME, which is the directory that preparing to install Dtop. The
- $DTOPTMP is a temporary directory for Dtop, which is usually /tmp. The
- XAPPLRESDIR is the directory for resources files of Dtop, which is set
- at $DTOPHOME/user .
- # export DTOPHOME=/usr/local/dtop
- # export DTOPTMP=/tmp
- You need to set the Chinese fonts directory used by Dtop.
- # xset fp+ $DTOPHOME/pcf.chn
- Finally, you have to configure the Keysym matching table, caused by
- the matching in Linux X, between Keysym and Keycode, is different from
- workstations. The Keysyms of BackSpace and Delete, for example, are
- all matching to the same Keycode in Linux X, regarding the behavior of
- BackSpace as the Delete's in reality . To solve this problem, the Dtop
- creates a Keysym file, locating under $DTOPHOME/user of which filename
- is dtop_keysym.linux. After starting X, enter this,
- # xmodmap dtop_keysym.linux
- Another solution is invoke commands directly on shell:
- # xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"
- # xmodmap -e "keycode 107 = Delete"
- When everything is ready, you can execute Dtop.
- # $DTOPHOME/bin/dtop14
- You may read all the on-line references enclosed in Dtop for more
- detailed introductions.
- 7.4. ChinesePower
- The ChinesePower is a Far-East Editor running in X, easy and
- classified as WYSIWYG. It supports BIG5, GB, Japanese and Korean
- mixed inputs, and the printing and displaying of PostScript. It can
- generate GIF graphics of seven colors for documents, which is adequate
- for Chinese homepages. ChinesePower uses HBF or TTF fonts.
- You can get it from,
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/x-
- win/editor/chpower-2.0.tar.gz
- To compile Chinese Power, you will need HBF fonts and Motif libraries.
- At first, modify Makefile to fit your system, then
- # make
- After making, it will generate binary executable files. Then export
- environment variables:
- # export HBFPATH=/usr/local/lib/chinese/HBF/
- # export TTFPATH=/usr/local/lib/chinese/TTF/
- # export HZINPUTDIR=/usr/local/lib/chinese/dict/
- # export CHPOWERPATH=path_of_chinesepower
- 7.5. EasyFlow
- This is developed by wycc <wycc@iis.sinica.edu.tw> , which can make
- simple printing for Chinese documents. Relative information is
- locating at
- <http://formosa.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~wycc/>
- 8. Useful Chinese softwares
- 8.1. cjoe - Joe's Own Chinese Editor
- The JOE is a free and professional ASCII codes' editor on UNIX
- platform, which is just like other text editors on IBM PC.
- Get it from here below,
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/editor/cjoe-2.8.tgz
- It is very simple to compile and install. Unless you want to change
- binary files or man page files of location, or just follows the steps
- below:
- # make
- # make install
- 8.2. celvis
- The Celvis is a vi/ex-like editor on UNIX, which is almost supporting
- all instructions that vi/ex has. You can edit articles including
- Chinese and English by using Celvis. Simultaneously, it also support
- GB2312-80 and BIG5 codes.
- You can get it from here below,
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/editor/celvis-1.3.tar.gz
- Decompress it,
- # tar zxvf celvis-1.3.tar.gz
- # cd celvis
- You need to change tmp.c, erasing 93-95 lines.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #if OS9
- if we don't have write permission...
- #endif
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Then you can continue to compile it.
- # cp Makefile.s5 Makefile
- # make install
- Because its Makefile is not for Linux particularly, you may see many
- warning message while compiling and linking; however, don't mention
- it, just keep it away. After it is done, the celvis will be installed
- under /usr/local/bin.
- 8.3. cvim
- The cvim is a Chinese patch program out of vim-4.2, including some
- features like with vi but has no track in celvis-1.3, such as line
- number, circling lines and large files' editions. You can take
- vim-4.2-Chinese-patch and vim-4.2.tar.gz: from here,
- ftp://ftp.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/Unix/Chinese/cvim
- Untar and unzip following the steps below:
- # tar -xvzf vim-4.2.tar.gz
- # cd vim-4.2/src
- # patch < ../../vim-4.2-Chinese-patch
- Changing vim-4.2/src/feature.h to fit your requires. It is simple to
- compile and install, that is,
- # make
- # make install
- 8.4. he
- The he was a famous editor on DOS, and is a diversion of Linux
- version. But this is a shareware program, limited with a hundred
- lines' edition.
- Obtain it from here,
- <ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/he_linux/he_linux.tar.Z>
- Login as root,
- # cd /
- # decompress he_linux.tar.Z
- # tar xvf he_linux.tar
- Refer to /usr/lib/he/notes2.2, /usr/lib/he/chap15 and
- /usr/lib/he/appendix for more simple illustrations.
- 8.5. hztty
- The Hztty can make transformations among various Chinese codes.
- Decompress hztty-2.0.tar.gz first.
- # tar -xvzf hztty-2.0.tar.gz
- # cd hztty-2.0
- # make linux
- After compilation, move the binary file hztty to the directory bin,
- and move man pages to the directory man.
- # mv hztty /usr/local/bin
- # chmod 555 /usr/local/bin/hztty
- # cp hztty.1 /usr/local/man/man1
- # chmod 444 /usr/local/man/man1/hztty.1
- Please refer to the on-line manual of hztty to use hztty.
- 8.6. ktty
- This is another tool, like as hztty, using for reading Chinese on
- kterm or pxvt. Get it at this site:
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/ktty1.3.tar.gz
- However, it cannot compile on Linux, that you need use the ``tty.c''
- in hztty-2.0.tar.gz and add the two lines to it.
- linux:
- Then, you can make it work.
- # make linux
- 8.7. Cemacs and CChelp For Emacs
- The Cemacs, using the GNU Emacs to show and edit Chinese files, has to
- run Emacs under Chinese virtual terminals while CCHELP is a system of
- providing Chinese assistant messages. After installed CCHELP, you can
- slip mouse to any Chinese word and click it without loosing, then
- there coming out with the messages about that word , including its
- pronunciation, English explanation and so forth. It supports both GB
- and BIG5 codes.
- You can get them from this site:
- ftp://ftp.math.psu.edu/pub/simpson/chinese/
- Install cemacs and cchelp in accordance with the README file.
- 8.8. Mule
- The MULE is an abbreviation of MULtilingual Enhancement to GNU Emacs.
- In simplicity, it adds some materials to GNU Emacs to make it can deal
- with multi-languages(encoding systems). It encodes the encoding system
- of multi bytes again in its inner mechanism; hence, a piece of paper
- can simultaneously use Chinese(BIG5 and GB), Japanese, Korean,
- English, Thai, and so on.
- 8.8.1. Obtaining Mule-2.3 and patch for Linux
- You can get mule-2.3.tar.gz and patch mule-2.3+lx.diff.gz for Linux:
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/distributions/je/sources/mule/
- If your system is Red Hat Linux, you can take mule-2.3-1.i386.rpm,
- mule-common-2.3-1.i386.rpm and mule-elispsrc-2.3-1.i386.rpm:
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/distributions/redhat/contrib/contrib-2.0.x/RPMS/
- 8.8.2. Compiling and Installation
- Decompress packed files and add in the patch.
- # tar -xvzf mule-2.3.tar.gz
- # patch < mule-2.3+lx.diff
- # cd mule-2.3/
- # ./configure "i386-*-linux" --with-x11 --with-x-toolkit --with-gcc
- If you want to rectify the out-looking of mule to fit your taste, read
- INSTALL file, please. And run ``./configure --help''. Then, correct
- ``src/Makefile'', changing ``-lcurses'' to ``-lncurses''. Then,
- # make
- # make install
- Default installing directory is /usr/local.
- 8.8.3. Using Chinesein Mule-2.3
- If you have already installed fonts, you can use mule to enter and
- show Chinese. Most fonts are 16 or 24 points, so you can:
- # mule -fn 8x16 &
- or
- # mule -fn 12x24 &
- According to M-x load-library RETURN chinese RETURN . ``Ctrl-]'' to
- shift inputs.
- 8.9. hc
- This a a program of conversion for BIG5 and GB codes. Get it at this
- site:
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hc-30.tar.gz
- Decompress and install it:
- # tar zxvf hc-30.tar.gz
- # cd hc3
- # make
- # mv hc /usr/local/bin
- # mv hc.tab /usr/local/lib/chinese
- # mv hc.1 /usr/local/man/man1
- For converting GB into BIG5 , using
- hc -m g2b -t /usr/local/lib/chinese/hc.tab < INPUT_FILE > OUTPUT_FILE
- For exchanging BIG5 into GB, using
- hc -m b2g -t /usr/local/lib/chinese/hc.tab < INPUT_FILE > OUTPUT_FILE
- You can write a shell script to simplify that instructions.
- 8.10. ctin
- The ctin a news reader of all complete Chinese messages. Get it from
- here,
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/ctin/ctin-970625.src.bin.tgz
- Set environment variables $NNTPSERVER first to export to the news
- server that you want to link before executing ctin.
- # export NNTPSERVER=netnews.ntu.edu.tw
- Then run tin.
- 8.11. Some Other Toys
- You can find several small tools capable of showing Chinese, such as
- cuptime, cw, cless, cwrite, cytalk, and so forth.
- ftp://ftp.vit.edu.tw/unix/linux/chinese/
- 9. Related Chinese Problems with Others
- 9.1. Netscape Navigator
- Netscape 2.0 or later support both BIG5 and GB codes, which have
- already discussed on several homepages. To display Chinese in
- Netscape, there are three steps:
- 1. Install Chinese fonts of X. Refer to the section ``Installing
- Chinese Fonts'' .
- 2. Run netscape, and configure Document Encoding as Traditional
- Chinese (Big5) or Simplified Chinese.
- ╖ In Netscape 2.x or 3.x, This will configure at Options/Document
- Encoding/....
- ╖ In Netscape Communicator 4.x, configure it at View/Encoding/....
- 3. Select the Chinese fonts you want.
- ╖ In Netscape 2.x, 3.x, configure it at Options/General
- Preferences/Fonts.
- ╖ In Netscape Communicator 4.x, configure it at
- Edit/Preferences.../Appearance/Fonts.
- Maybe you will feel so strange that why you can only use Fixed(HKU)
- Size 16.0, which is causing from the settings in
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Netscape. Assuming that you have
- the following BIG5 fonts:
- # xlsfonts | grep big5
- -hku-fixed-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-big5.hku-0
- -hku-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-big5.hku-0
- -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-0-0-75-75-c-0-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-20-200-75-75-c-200-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-kai-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-0-0-75-75-c-0-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-15-150-75-75-c-160-big5.eten.3.10-1
- -kc-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5.eten.3.10-1
- Add one line to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Netscape
- *documentFonts.charset*big5.eten.3.10-1: x-x-big5
- Then, Netscape can use these fonts well.
- Another solution is to name aliases for your fonts's names: Adding
- aliases in the fonts.alias file(create it yourself if there is no such
- a file) under your fonts directory.
- -big5-taipeik-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-big5.hku-1 taipei16
- -big5-taipeik-medium-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-200-big5.hku-1 taipeik20
- -big5-taipeik-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-240-big5.hku-1 taipeik24
- The fonts filenames, like taipeik20, are that you need to give aliases
- to them. After modification, do
- # xset fp rehash
- to reload fonts's names to make them available.
- You may find that the sizes of Chinese and English are out of
- proportion in homepages of Chinese-English languages(such as too
- smaller English words), which is the reason that what you've selected
- for English fonts and Chinese fonts is unbalanced at the magnitude. Go
- back to the configuration for fonts, and select Western(iso-8859-1).
- Then, in your opinion, change the size of English fonts to make it
- perfect in proportions.
- 9.2. sendmail
- Because defaults of sendmail 8.8.x will encode all 8-bit mails first
- before sending them out, which may or may not reduce influences to
- those receiver. (Refer to``Next Sub-Section'' for solutions). Most
- hosts can directly send 8-bit mails now, so you had better re-compile
- sendmail and close the encoding ability.
- ╖ Get the newest version from this site(or mirror site):
- ftp://ftp.sendmail.org/ucb/src/sendmail/
- ╖ Decompress it and modify Makefile:
- # tar zxvf sendmail-8.8.8.tar.gz
- # cd src/Makefiles
- # chmod u+w Makefile.Linux
- # vi Makefile.Linux
- Add -DMIME8TO7=0 after CFLAGS+=.
- ╖ Compile and install sendmail:
- # cd ..
- # ./makesendmail all install
- ╖ Install man pages to the exact directory manually(It's ok if not
- installing).
- ╖ Erase the old sendmail process:
- # kill -9 `head -1 /var/run/sendmail.pid`
- ╖ Restart sendmail:
- # /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q1h
- 9.3. procmail
- procmail is an electronic mail filter, which can manipulate mails
- first before storing them into your mailbox, for example,
- classification for mails and so on. Though, here I want to teach you
- that how to make use of procmail to uncode the encoded ones into pure
- text files and to convert the various encoded mails into common
- encoding you used.
- Create .procmailrc file under your home directory, listed as follows:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- # To avoid accidents, store mails before using procmail.
- # You can filter mails to ensure which mail doesn't need to duplicate
- # by, for example, MAILER-DAEMON.
- :0 c
- mail/procmail-backup
- # Uncode mails encoded by quoted-printable or base64.
- :0
- * ^Content-Type: *text/plain
- {
- :0 fbw
- * ^Content-Transfer-Encoding: *quoted-printable
- | mimencode -u -q
- :0 Afhw
- | formail -I "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" \
- -I "X-Mimed-Autoconverted: quoted-printable to 8bit by procmail"
- :0 fbw
- * ^Content-Transfer-Encoding: *base64
- | mimencode -u -b
- :0 Afhw
- | formail -I "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" \
- -I "X-Mimed-Autoconverted: base64 to 8bit by procmail"
- }
- # Here will judge whether a mail is GB codes or not; if it is, convert it
- # into BIG5 codes. If you want to convert BIG5 codes into GB codes, you
- # need to exchange big5 with gb2312 and replace 'hc -m b2g' with 'hc -m g2b'.
- :0
- * ^Content-Type:.*text/plain;.*charset=gb2312
- {
- :0 fw
- | hc -m b2g -t /usr/local/lib/chinese/hc.tab
- :0 Afhw
- | formail -I "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=big5" \
- -I "X-Charset-Autoconverted: gb2312 to big5 by procmail"
- }
- # Store mails into mailbox.
- :0:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- In this case, integrating with mimencode, formail to decode mails, and
- use ``hc'' to convert GB codes mails into BIG5 codes mails. Thus, you
- have to install these tools in order to use procmail.
- Eventually, rectify your .forward file.
- "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- ~/.procmailrc ||exit 75 #login"
- Notes: change the login as your login name.
- 9.4. telnet
- If you can access Chinese on your own machine, but cannot access
- Chinese while telnet to other machines, then the problems may cause
- from telnet itself. When telnet is under connection, you can press
- Ctrl-] to jump out temporarily, and enter set binary at the prompt of
- telnet> to assure the fully transmission of bits. You can also use
- telnet -8 to make connections (but it seems won't work for some
- sites...?). Another more simple method is to use directly a 8-bit
- telnet program. Download the binary file from here:
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/misc/
- 9.5. less
- The less itself can display Chinese directly; just set the following
- environment variable can Chinese display:
- # export LESSCHARSET=latin1
- 9.6. pine
- The Pine of version 3.95 later can support reading and entering
- Chinese mails. As you execute pine, select SETUP/Config in feature
- list, choose this(hit X):
- [X] enable-8bit-esmtp-negotiation
- [X] enable-8bit-nntp-posting
- Then, hit C on character-set, and change its value to big5 or gb2312.
- Finally, hit E to escape and store this change.
- You can also install the cpine capable of showing Chinese messages:
- ftp://ftp.vit.edu.tw/unix/linux/chinese/cpine-3.91.bin.tgz
- 9.7. samba
- ╖ At first, take the newest version of samba-1.9.17p5 and big5 patch
- home.
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/network/samba/samba-1.9.17p5.tar.gz
- ftp://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/packages/chinese/samba-
- big5-patch/samba-1.9.17p2-BIG5-patch-0.gz
- ╖ Decompress samba-1.9.17p5.tar.gz, and add the patch upon:
- # tar zxvf samba-1.9.17p5.tar.gz
- # cd samba-1.9.17p5/source
- # zcat samba-1.9.17p2-BIG5-patch-0.gz | patch -s
- ╖ According to the normal procedures to compile and install it. Refer
- to the Samba HomePage <http://samba.anu.edu.au/samba/>.
- 9.8. lynx
- Lynx <http://lynx.browser.org/> v2.7 can view Chinese homepages
- directly. Execute lynx, and press O)ption / C)haracter set, and then
- choose Taipei(Big5) by arrow keys, and finally press '>' to store this
- set.
- 9.9. minicom
- Use the switch -l to start minicom, then you can see Chinese in
- minicom.
- 9.10. fingerd
- If you type Chinese in your .plan but can't be saw by others, this is
- probably caused by the inability of fingerd to send out 8-bit Chinese
- words. Get cfingerd from this site:
- ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/OS/Linux/packages/network/finger/cfingerd-1.3.2.tar.gz
- Decompress it and execute ./Configure, then implement make all .
- Then, modify /etc/inetd.conf, changing the original finger to:
- finger stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.cfingerd
- Let inetd read the configuration file again:
- # kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`
- 9.11. tintin++
- The TinTin++ is not a Chinese software but just a useful tool when
- playing Chinese mud.You can download it from this place:
- ftp://ftp.princeton.edu/pub/tintin++
- Here are some Chinese mud sites:
- FengYun fengyun.com 5555
- Xi You Ji 6905
- Xia ke Xing 5555
- 10. Chinese Linux
- If you have known some projects else about Chinese Linux, please tell
- me about itíD
- 10.1. Chinese Linux Documentation's Projects
- CLDP is now abandoned himself to translating Linux HOWTO documents,
- locating at http://www.linux.org.tw/CLDP/. CLDP has a mailing list
- ldp-trans@linux.org.tw. Its purposes are:
- ╖ Combine everyone's power to implement Linux HOWTO translations
- available.
- ╖ Discuss SGML Tools of dealing with Chinese.
- ╖ Share and maintain experience of translation for Linux HOWTO.
- ╖ To propagate the translation projects of Linux HOWTO.
- ╖ Others concerned with Chinese Linux.
- If you want to join us, please send a mail contented with subscribe to
- ldp-trans-request@linux.org.tw For more advanced explanations of this
- mailing list, please send a mail contented with info to the upper
- address. If wanting usage of mailing list, send a mail contented with
- help to the same address. If there is any suggestion or suspicion to
- the mailing list, please write to ldp-trans-approval@linux.org.twíD
- If you are willing to contribute your own power, please join with this
- mailing list.
- 10.2. Chinese Linux Project
- This is established for a Chinese environment of Linux, originated by
- cdchen. This is still under the period of setting, waiting for
- everyone's all efforts.
- Homepage of this project is at http://chinese.linux.org.tw/ which is
- responsible for formal announcements; and it provides discussions of
- problems, suggestions and criticisms, delivering ourselves of
- achievements and so forth.
- 10.3. Chinese websites of Linux
- Here are some websites for Chinese Linux information. If you have
- others not listed, tell me about that, please.
- BIG5
- ╖ <http://www.linux.org.tw/>
- ╖ <http://chinese.linux.org.tw/>
- ╖ <http://linux.cis.nctu.edu.tw/>
- ╖ <http://linux.ntcic.edu.tw/>
- ╖ <http://freebsd.ee.ntu.edu.tw/bbs/6/index.html>
- ╖ <http://cc.shu.edu.tw/~rick/wwwguide/c_linux_hopenet.html>
- ╖ <http://henry.cis.nctu.edu.tw/~linuxwww/>
- ╖ <http://marr.dorm9.nccu.edu.tw/~marr/Comp/PC-Unix/index.html>
- ╖ <http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/~cwhuang/pub/os/linux/>
- GB
- ╖ <http://csun01.ihep.ac.cn/>
- ╖ <http://www.clinux.ml.org/>
- 10.4. Discussed groups of Linux
- If you have any problem, you can post you question here, using Chinese
- is ok, too. However, make sure that this question is still unknown or
- hasn't answered in related documents or HOWTO, or repeat some FAQs are
- absolutely not popular with these places.
- ╖ <news://tw.bbs.comp.linux>
- ╖ <telnet://henry.cis.nctu.edu.tw>
- 11. FAQs
- 11.1. Why Can't I Enter Chinese?
- Answer: This question is quite ambiguous, though. I cannot tell which
- condition that you have met? If you can not enter Chinese on
- console's shell, refer to the section ``Chinese Input Problems'' for
- detailed.
- Or that you cannot enter Chinese in an editor, then it is possible
- that your editor doesn't support Chinese. Please refer to the section
- ``Useful Chinese Softwares'' to install Chinese-supported editors.
- If this is matched at the period of telnet, then refer to the section
- ``telnet'' for more explanations.
- 11.2. I have got the NTU TTF fonts, but how can I decompress?
- Answer: The NTU TFF fonts is compressed with arj format and divided it
- into several files for the convenience of putting it into floppy
- disks, causing that decompression is a little trifling. If you want
- ntu_kai.ttf font, for example, you must take ntu_kai.arj, ntu_kai.a01,
- ntu_kai.a02, and ntu_kai.a03 home. Assuming that you have an arj tool
- of DOS version, put these four files altogether under the same
- directory and invoke this commands to decompress:
- C:\> arj x -va -y ntu_kai
- If you want to decompress them on Linux, you must use unarj to unarj
- them one by one, and then use cat to concatenate them together:
- # unarj e ntu_kai.arj ; mv ntu_kai.ttf ntu_kai.ttf0
- # unarj e ntu_kai.a01 ; mv ntu_kai.ttf ntu_kai.ttf1
- # unarj e ntu_kai.a02 ; mv ntu_kai.ttf ntu_kai.ttf2
- # unarj e ntu_kai.a03 ; mv ntu_kai.ttf ntu_kai.ttf3
- # cat ntu_kai.ttf* > ntu_kai.ttf
- 11.3. Netscape's title and tag cannot see Chinese?
- Answer: To install CXWin will solve this problem. Refer to ``CXWin''
- for detailed.
- 11.4. My Netscape cannot see Chinese?
- Answer: If you could not see any Chinese on all homepages, then you
- might probably not install Chinese fonts, or haven't make Netscape
- settled. Refer to the section ``Netscape''.
- But if you can see Chinese on most parts of Chinese homepages, only on
- some websites could see disturbed codes, then this may not be your
- problems. A little websites take Frontpage to generate homepages, and
- their language encoding is x-x-big5 not general big5.
- This wil make all browsers except IE cannot identify this encoding,
- which just a bad trick adopted by Microsoft to fulfill its ambitions
- to occupy the market of browsers. To solve this problem, send a mail
- to the administrator of that site, telling them there are other
- browsers except IE all over the world. If they want to manage it
- perpetually, they should correct that unusual encoding to normal one.
- Of course, if you have better solutions, please let me know of it.
- 11.5. How to enter Chinese in Netscape?
- Answer: Install xcin+XA. Refer to this section ``XA''.
- 11.6. What's the difference between ChiTeX and CJK? Can I install
- them at the same time?
- Answer:
- ╖ The system, which is independent and efficient, of Chinese reading
- and searching of CJK, is based on the NFSS of LaTeX.
- ╖ CJK can use Chinese, Japanese, and Korean; and ChiTeX is just for
- BIG5.
- ╖ CJK can only use on LaTeX while ChiTeX can use on plain TeX and
- LaTeX .
- ╖ Instructions of ChiTeX are simple and useful.
- ╖ ChiTeX is approaching to real Chinese LaTeX.
- ╖ Difference in functionality...
- ChiTeX and CJK should be compatible while installing them at the
- same system, but if the ttf2pk has the same name for both ChiTeX
- and CJK, then it could cause certain problems. A solution to this
- is that define the $PATH variable in each shell script,
- respectively, to point to the correct locations of ttf2pk. (Thanks
- to professor Chen Hung-Yih..)
- 12. Appendix - Chinese softwares of FTP.IFCSS.ORG
- WarnningíGMost pre-compiled Linux executable files are out-of-date and
- cannot use normally.
- ****
- ****
- ========
- ========
- software: Phoenix BBS
- version : 4.0, 1995.08.31
- function: o UNIX platform multi-user BBS system,
- o discussion boards, private email
- o multichannel chat, one-to-one chat
- o Internet Email, News gateway,
- o 0Announce : Gopher-like information query interface.
- o fine tuned to allow more than 256 users on-line
- o configurable menu, screen display
- o Chinese message
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/PhoenixBBS-4.0.tar.gz
- author : Ji-Tzay Yang, Ming-Feng Chen, Tzung-Yu Wen
- ============
- ============
- software: addpy
- version : 1.0
- function: To annotate Pinyin to rare Hanzi and a portion of
- randomly selected common Hanzi. Both GB (simplified) and
- Big5 (traditional) versions. Based on statistics derived
- from huge Chinese corpus and well prepared hazni-freq-pinyin
- tables. Source code and raw data provided.
- URL : ftp://ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/addpy.tar.gz
- filename: README.addpy, b5addpy.l, gbaddpy.l, b5addpy.dat,
- gbaddpy.dat, makefile
- author : Guo Jin
- software: rm4mat
- version : n/a
- function: remove formating codes for printing in some GB files
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/rm4mat.c
- author : Chenghong Wang
- software: mail_hxwz
- version : 1.1
- function: It extracts HXWZ from your mail (Suppose you are subscribing
- it). It is a Bourne shell program which works on most Unix
- systems. It can rerun itself every Friday automatically.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/mail_hxwz
- author : Yaoen Zhang
- software: auto_get_hxwz
- Version : 1.2
- Function: It gets the current issue of HXWZ in GB or postscipt format.
- It also process and print these files, and do the clean up.
- It save your time and server machine time.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/auto_get_hxwz
- author : Yaoen Zhang
- software: Chinese less
- version : 290, 1995.5.25
- function: Browse BIG5 and GB text files
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/cless-290.tar.gz
- author : Paul W. Shew
- comment : requires a chinese terminal, like cxterm.
- software: cscreen
- version : 3.2b
- function: This is a modified screen to minic ETen in cxterm.
- After you run cscreen in cxterm, it will intercept
- every key movement and examine if the current
- screen postion has a Chinese char. If it has,
- auto-key movements will be made accordingly.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/cscreen-3.2b.tar.gz
- author : Shih-Kun Huang
- software: ytalk
- version : 3.0.2c6
- function: ytalk-3.02c provides better compatibility for DEC's
- workstations, two-byte refresh for terminal like cxterm, and
- capable of passing character code 254, internally used as erase
- function in ytalk-3.0; Compatible with ytalk-3.0, cytalk-3.0,
- cytalk-3.0.2, ytalk-3.02c0/1/2/3/4/5, that is, you can still use
- Delete, or Backspace key. If both ends use ytalk-3.02c4, the code
- 254 is transparent, you can use more Chinese words to talk to
- others.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/ytalk-3.0.2c6.tar.gz
- author : Sze-Yao Ni
- software: lunar
- version : 2.1
- function: conversion program between Solar and Chinese lunar calendars;
- calculation of birthday in "4-column" astrology as well
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/lunar-2.1.tar.gz
- author : Ricky Yeung and Fung Fung Lee
- comment : can output GB code, bitmap, or just ASCII
- software: DateStar - Chinese Calendar Producer
- version : 1.1
- function: Displays Chinese and western calendar in
- ASCII code, BIG-5 code (Hongkong, Taiwan),
- GuoBiao code (PRC Standard), and HZ code (Network)
- Prints on two most popular laser printers
- PostScript laser printers, and
- HP LaserJet (PCL) printers
- Generates four different format
- Yearly calendar, Monthly calendar,
- One-page Weekly calendar, and Two-page Weekly calendar
- Shows calendar with 24 Solar Terms (JieQi),
- the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
- (TianGan DiZhi Eight Characters)
- Supports user defined annotations
- Applicable from year 1841 through to 2060
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/datestar-1.1.tar.gz
- author : Youzhen Cheng
- comment : UNIX version works on SUN Workstation with SUN OS 4.1.x
- see /software/dos/c-utils for DOS version
- software: pull
- version : 2.9, 1996.4.7
- function: 1. Extracts the original file(s) from uuencoded/compressed/split
- file(s).
- a) uudecode a file and display the name of its decoded file
- b) decompress .zz (= .gz/.Z/.zip) file
- c) uudecode + decompress
- d) uudecode + cat (concatenate) + gunzip
- 2. Packs file. Reverse the above `extracting' process.
- compresses, (splits), then encodes file(s)
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/utils/pull.c.gz
- author : Yao Li
- software: utf-utils
- version : 15 Oct 1993.
- function: some utility programs for manipulating Unicode/ISO-10646 text
- in the FSS-UTF encoding.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/utf-utils.tar.gz
- author : Ross Paterson
- software: gbfmt
- version : 1.0
- function: GB formatting with variable line width, GB<->HZ
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/c-utils/gbformat.tar.gz
- author : Dongxiao Yue (http://www.cs.umn.edu/~dyue/wiihist/gbfmt.html)
- ===========
- ===========
- software: celvis
- version : 1.3
- function: vi editor with Chinese handling capabilities.
- Most run on some Chinese terminal, e.g. cxterm, or IBM-PC with
- some kind of Chinese DOS. Work exactly like Unix vi editor,
- except that it side-scrolls long lines instead of wrapping.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/editor/celvis.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.cs.purdue.edu/pub/ygz
- author : Man-Chi Pong, Yongguang Zhang
- comment : comments, bug-reports, modifications to: c-elvis@cs.purdue.edu
- software: Chinese JOE (Joe's Own Editor)
- version : 2.8c
- function: Chinese BIG5 localized text screen editor. The key sequences are
- remeniscent of WordStar and TURBO-PASCAL. Makes full use of
- termcap/terminfo, is designed to work well over slow networks and
- low baud rate modems, and has the best features of vi. Most
- useful for editing unformatted text, such as USENET news articles
- and for editing block-structured languages such as C and PASCAL.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/editor/joe2.8_c.tar.gz
- author : <u8222034@cc.nctu.edu.tw>
- ============
- ============
- software: cn2jp
- version : 1.3.2, 1996.4.11
- function: code conversion routines for Chinese and Japanese
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/cn2jp1.3.2.tar.gz
- author : Seke Wei
- software: ktty
- version : 1.3, 1996.4.11
- function: This is a kanji terminal translator among Chinese and Japanese.
- It allows online translation of codes so that you can view a
- specific code real time using your Chinese or Japanese terminal.
- It runs on Unix and is derived from the 'hztty' package
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/ktty1.3.tar.gz
- author : Seke Wei
- software: code1
- version : 1.3, 1996.4.11
- function: This is a multilingual file browser for Chinese and Japanese.
- It runs on Unix and allows browsing of files in various codes
- using a Chinese or Japanese terminal.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/code1.3.tar.gz
- author : Seke Wei
- software: HUG program
- version : 1.0, 1995.5.20
- function: Converting between HZ, Uudecode/uuencode, GB codes
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/shug.osf.zip
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/shug.sun4.zip
- author : Yinrong Huang
- software: hztty
- version : 2.0 Jan 29, 1994
- Function: This program turns a tty session from one encoding to another.
- For example, running hztty on cxterm can allow you to read/write
- Chinese in HZ format, which was not supported by cxterm.
- If you have many applications in different encodings but your
- favor terminal program only supports one, hztty can make life easy.
- For example, hztty can your GB cxterm into a HZ terminal, a
- Unicode (16bit, or UTF8, or UTF7) terminal, or a Big5 terminal.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hztty-2.0.tar.gz
- author : Yongguang Zhang
- software: EHZ
- version : 2.0
- function: Conversion among GB/BIG5/CNS and EHZ-BIG5/GB/CNS.
- Patch to hztty to support EHZ-BIG5/GB/CNS.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/EHZ-2.0.tar.gz
- author : Ricky Yeung
- comment : Also contains the EHZ spec and Fung Fung Lee's EHZ-BIG5-CNS spec.
- software: b5cns
- version : prototype
- function: functions to convert Big5 <-> CNS
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/b5cns.tar.gz
- author : Ross Paterson
- software: c2t
- version : n/a
- function: converts GB or BIG5 coded chinese to _pinyin_
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/c2t.tar.gz
- authors : Tommi Kaikkonen and Katya Ta
- software: BeTTY/CCF/B5Encode package
- version : 1.534, 1995.03.22
- function: a chinese code conversion package for codes widely used
- in Taiwan and the GB code widely used in Mainland, plus
- a 7-bit Big5 encoding method (B5Encode3/B5E3, an extension
- to HZ encoding for GB),
- including off-line converters (CCF/Chinese Code Filters and
- B5E/B5Encode) and an on-line converter (BeTTY) which simulates
- your native chinese terminal to become aware of the coding
- systems widely used in Taiwan and GB, HZ encoding.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/BeTTY-1.534.tar.gz
- ftp://hermes.ee.nthu.edu.tw/shin/betty/BeTTY-1.534.tar.gz
- author : Jing-Shin Chang
- software: BeTTY-ws_2fl.p1
- version : 1.0 (patch to BeTTY-1.534) Oct. 1995.
- function: 1. makes BeTTY respect the window(tty) size.
- 2. a second Chinese code converting filter can be added on.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/BeTTY-ws2fl.p1.tar.gz
- author : Wei Dong
- software: c2gif
- version : 0.01, 1995.10.21
- function: convert a BIG5 text file to a GIF file
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/c2gif001.tar.gz
- http://www.math.ncu.edu.tw/~luors/c2gif/
- author : Luoh Ren-Shan
- software: gb2jis
- version : 1.5, 1995.11.19
- function: convert GB (or HZ) to JIS with two-letter pinyin
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/gb2jis.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/bdf/guobiao16.bdf.gz
- author : Koichi Yasuoka
- software: jis2gb
- version : 1.5, 1996.1.10
- function: convert JIS to GB (or HZ)
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/jis2gb.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/bdf/guobiao16.bdf.gz
- author : Koichi Yasuoka
- software: HZ
- version : 2.0
- function: convert among GB, HZ and zW
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/HZ-2.0.tar.gz
- author : Fung F. Lee
- software: HZ+ specification and conversion utilities
- version : 0.77
- function: HZ+ is a convenient 7-bit representation of mixed Big5, GB,
- and ASCII text for use in Internet e-mail, news, etc.
- Source code for Big5 <-> HZ+ and GB <-> HZ+ conversion
- utilities is here. DOS executables can be found in
- another archive, /software/dos/convert/hzp.zip. New in
- this Unix version is a simple HZ+ terminal program for cxterm
- which allows the user to transparently read HZ+ mail and news.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hzp.tar.gz
- author : Stephen G. Simpson
- software: hc
- version : 3.0
- function: convert between GB and BIG5
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hc-30.tar.gz
- author : Fung F. Lee and Ricky Yeung
- software: Support Table for Hanzi Convert (hc)
- version : 1994/05/01
- function: Convert table supports the program Hanzi Convert
- (Author : Fung F. Lee and Ricky Yeung) GB<->Big5.
- Include Russian, number, Japanese, graphing symbols and
- "incorrect" codes. Text file, comments in it.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/sym-supp.tab
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/in-corr.tab
- author : Chi-Ming Tsai
- software: pbmbig5
- version : 0.01, 1995.11.2
- function: convert big5 coded Chinese text file to pbm graphic file
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/pbmbig5-0.01.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big/hbf/kck24.hbf
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big/hbf/kcchin24.f02
- author : Wei-Jou Chen
- software: UTF utilities
- version : 31 May 1994.
- function: various utilities for the UTF encoding of Unicode/ISO-10646,
- including conversion from ISO-2022 and (partially) back again.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/utf.tar.gz
- author : Ross Paterson
- software: utf7
- version : prototype, use at your own risk
- function: functions to convert between UTF-7 and other codes
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/utf7.tar.gz
- author : Ross Paterson
- software: ISO-2022-CN encoder and decoder
- version : beta 960408
- function: Convert between CN-GB and CN-CNS codes
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/iso-cn.tgz
- author : handa@etl.go.jp
- comment : BIG5 code is not yet supported.
- ===============
- ===============
- software: gopher2.014c
- version : 2.0.14
- function: A Chinese localized gopher client capable of 8-bit BIG5 Chinese
- string search on IBM AIX, SUN OS, and any other machines.
- Compatable with any BIG5 Chinese system such as ET and
- cxterm. executable binary for ibm and sun included.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/networking/gopher2.014c.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/networking/gopher.ibm.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/networking/gopher.sun.tar.gz
- author : Hoo-Tung Cheuk (NCTU CIS, Taiwan)
- software: Chinese Tin
- version : 1.2PL2a
- function: tin 1.2PL2 newsreader with English/Big5 message toggle.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/networking/ctin122a.tar.gz
- author : Shih-Kun Huang
- software: NcFTP with chinese message compatible
- version : 2.3.0c, 1996.1.17
- function: Chinese (BIG5) patch to NcFTP.
- Now it can display any chinese message from ftp server instead
- of "\xxx". ANSI color compatible in Line Mode.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/networking/ncftp-2.3.0.chinese.tgz
- author : NCEMRSoft (orig), Aiken Sam (chinese patch)
- ==========
- ==========
- software: C2PS
- version : 1.30 Aug 1 1995
- function: Translate Big5 coded Chinese document into Level 2 PostScript.
- This is the version for Sparcstation. Using Chinese TrueType fonts,
- you can create the most beautiful document with C2PS.
- This is a DEMO version. You can freely copied and use it.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print/c2ps130sos.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big5/ms-win/
- author : Hsueh-I Lu
- software: cnprint
- version : 2.60 JAN-25-95
- function: print GB/Hz/BIG5/JIS/KSC/UTF8 etc or convert to PostScript
- (conforms to EPSF-3.0). Fast. Multicolumn. Vertical printing.
- Small disk space requirement. "Intelligent" treatment of
- punctuations. Flexible change of fonts, char size,
- width/height, char and line spaces, paper orientation and
- margins, etc. Support of European chars. Special modes for
- printing HXWZ. See readme for more
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print/cnprint260.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/{gb,big5,misc,unicode}/hbf/
- author : Yidao Cai
- comment : v2.60 is also for VMS, use v2.61 for DOS
- software: GBscript
- version : 1.11
- function: Convert GB/ASCII mixed text to PostScript output.
- High print speed (4ppm on LaserWriter NTX).
- Support Adobe-2.1.
- Small PS file size (400K for one HXWZ issue).
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print/gbscript-1.11.tar.gz
- author : Yan Zhou
- software: gb2ps
- version : 2.02
- function: convert GB/HZ to postscript, supports simple page formatting
- (change chinese fonts and font size, cover page, page
- number, etc). Five chinese fonts are provided in this
- release, they are Song, Kai, Fang Song, Hei and FanTi
- The HZ ENCODING is also supported.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print/gb2ps.2.02.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/fan24.ccf.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/fang24.ccf.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/hei24.ccf.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/kai24.ccf.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/song24.ccf.gz
- author : Wei SUN
- software: news2ps
- version : n/a
- function: news2ps converts BIG5 to Postscript
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print/news2ps.c
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big5/misc/chinese.16.new
- author : The Society of HKU Postgraduate on Chinese Affairs
- comment : rename chinese.16.new to chinese.16
- software: hz2ps
- version : 3.1
- function: Convert hanzi (GB/BIG5) text to PostScript.
- Use HBF font files.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/print/hz2ps-3.1.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/{gb,big5}/hbf/
- author : Fung F. Lee
- ===========
- ===========
- software: ChiRK
- version : 1.2a
- function: GB/HZ/BIG5 text viewer on terminals (or emulations) capable
- of displaying Tektronics 401x graphics, such as GraphOn,DEC
- VT240/330, Xterm, Tektool on Sun, EM4105 on PC,
- VersaTerm-Pro on Mac, etc.
- displays up to 17x40 Chinese characters per screen. works directly
- under UNIX mail and news programs. Comes with four fonts.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/ChiRK-1.2a.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/hbf/cclib.v
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/hbf/cclib.16
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/hbf/cclibf.16.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big5/misc/chinese.16.new.gz
- author : Bo Yang
- comment : rename chinese.16.new to chinese.16
- software: Cbanner
- version : 1.10, 950821
- function: To show Chinese word's banner
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/banner/cbanner1.10.tar.gz
- author : Sheen Cherng-Dar, rewritten by Jonen Liu
- comment : requires ETen Big5 Chinese System's fonts.
- software: gb2text
- version : n/a
- function: convert GB to text
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/gb2text.c
- author : Ding Yijun
- software: hzbanner
- version : 1.1, Feb 15, 1995
- function: Display Song style GuoBiao in large ASCII characters,
- supports GB2312-80 (^[$A), GB2312-80 + GB8565-88 (^[$(E),
- Chinese-EUC (8-bit Guobiao) CNS Plane 1 & 2, BIG5 and HZ-encoding
- ( ?╖π??)
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/hzbanner11.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/bdf/guobiao16.bdf.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/cns/bdf/cns1hku16.bdf.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/cns/bdf/cns2hku16.bdf.gz
- author : Koichi Yasuoka
- software: hzview
- version : 3.1
- function: Display hanzi (GB/BIG5) text on dumb terminal.
- Use HBF font files.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/hzview-3.1.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/{gb,big5}/hbf/
- author : Fung F. Lee
- Software: cnview
- Version : 3.1 (UNIX version. DOS version available under /software/dos/viewer)
- Function: View GB/Hz/Big5 encoded Chinese text file on * HP-UNIX (X-window) *
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/cnview.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/{big5,gb}/hbf/
- Author : Jifang Lin
- software: readgb
- version : n/a
- function: convert GB to text
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/readgb.c
- author : Yuzhao Lu
- comment : modified from readnews.c
- software: readnews
- version : n/a
- function: readnews converts BIG5 to ascii dot-matrix picture
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/viewer/readnews.c
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big5/misc/chinese.16.new.gz
- author : The Society of HKU Postgraduate on Chinese Affairs
- comment : rename chinese.16.new to chinese.16
- ==========
- ==========
- software: CCTeach
- version : 1.0
- function: Chinese Character input method Teacher.
- Help new user to learn CC input and some utility programs
- of "cxterm NewFace" for associate dictionary tool,
- hotkey tool, WuBi phrase encoder, and converter with
- ".tit" <==> ".titnf".
- Based on GB and Big5 (ETen and HongKong).
- Support all input method by external dictionary file.
- Need cxterm in unix, CC DOS or ZW DOS in PC.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/input/CCTeach1.0.tar.gz
- author : Xiaokun Zhu
- =========
- =========
- software: ICCS 1.3
- version : 1.3, June 26, 1994
- function: Internet Chinese Chess Server
- URL : ifcss.org:/software/unix/misc/iccs-1.3.tar.gz
- author : Xi Chen
- comment : file off-lined due to legal status July 3, 1996. Please contact
- the author Xi Chen at xichen@abel.math.harvard.edu for further info.
- ========
- ========
- software: cdelegate
- version : 1.4a, 1996.5.1
- function: This is a Chinese patch on DeleGate, a gateway for the WWW services.
- provides code translation between Chinese/Japanese for WWW browsers
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/www/cdelegate1.4.tar.gz
- author : Seke Wei
- software: Chinese Lynx
- version : 2.5FMc, 1996.7.19
- function: Chinese BIG5/GB patch to lynx, a WWW client for vt100 terminals.
- Volunteers needed to continue on the patch.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/www/clynx25.zip
- author : Nelson Chin
- software: Internet MahJong Server (server + client applet)
- version : 0.2beta
- function: provides a server and a graphic client for playing MahJong on
- the Internet.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/www/MJ_dist.tar.gz
- author : Zuwei Thomas Feng
- *****
- *****
- software: D Series (Chinese Tools, ELF binary)
- version : 1.00, March 25, 1995
- function: Binary distribution of various useful Chinese tools:
- Viewers -- cxterm, crxvt; Input server -- xcin; GB,Big5,HZ,B5E3
- code converters -- ccf, hc, hz2gb, gb2hz, zw2hz, b5decode,
- b5encode; Print tool -- lunar, ttf2ps; Pseudo tty -- hztty,
- betty; Various handy scripts, man pages, dictionaries, HBF fonts,
- xfonts included; chdrv, celvis, elm, sendmail
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/CTool/d1
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/CTool/d2
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/CTool/d3
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/CTool/d4
- author : Eric Lin
- comment : requires XFree86 3.1+, ELF libraries
- software: C Series (Chinese packages for Slackware)
- version : N/A
- function: The Chinese packages collected by Wei-Jou Chen can be installed by
- Slackware's setup tools. Basic idea are that we have right to install
- and remove Chinese softwares easily and beginners can play them
- without much trouble.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/c1/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/c2/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/c3/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/c4/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/c5/
- compiler: CHEN, Wei-Jou
- software: MU Series (Mule packages for Slackware)
- version : N/A
- function: The Multilingual Emacs 2.0 packages for XFree86 2.X and 3.1
- collected by Shawn Hsiao can be installed by Slackware's setup
- tools
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/mu1/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/mu2/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/mu3/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/mu4/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/mu5/
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/CLinux/mu6/
- compiler: Shawn Hsiao
- =============
- =============
- software: GNU fileutils-3.9
- version : 3.9, 1 August 1994
- function: Chinese version of the GNU file utility programs for Linux.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/c-utils/fileutils-3.9-bin-chinese.tar.gz
- author : Patrick D'Cruze
- software: C2PS
- version : 1.30 Aug 1 1995
- function: Translate Big5 coded Chinese document into Level 2 PostScript.
- This is the version for Linux. Using Chinese TrueType fonts, you
- can create the most beautiful Chinese documents with C2PS.
- This is a DEMO version. You can freely copied and use it.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/chinese_utils/c2ps130lnx.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big5/ms-win/
- author : Hsueh-I Lu
- ============
- ============
- software: ?????? for Linux (promotion version)
- version : v2.163
- function: PE2-like text editor, special designed for Chinese
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/
- agent : LU, Heman
- =========
- =========
- software: chdrv
- version : 1.0.7, 1995.12.20
- function: Chinese Terminal Simulator. Does not require X-Windows.
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/tty/chdrv-1.0.7.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/tty/chdrvbin-1.0.7.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/tty/chdrvfont.tar.gz
- author : WANG, Yu-Chung
- ===========
- ===========
- software: Behavior DTop (for Linux)
- version : 1.4, Beta
- function: A full-featured Chinese DeskTop Publishing Software Package
- characterized by object-oriented design for manipulating
- various document objects, including text, tables, graphics,
- equations, images, in an integrated way. Two outline fonts
- are provided in the Beta Version. PostScript output.
- Good as an English DeskTop Publishing Software Package too.
- (See the README's & formated DTop manual files for a long and
- complete list of functions and characteristics).
- URL : ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/
- author : DTop Development Group